Citybreak Release Notes 14 Sep 2021
New Citybreak Online for See & Do Products
- We fixed a minor iPhone-related issue where one sorting option was displayed twice.
- We added a few field descriptions and translations that were missing in order to better comply with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
- We added a helper text on the product pages that guides the customer to select a date first before going through the sub products.
- We fixed an issue on mobile devices where the zooming function in maps sometimes had the wrong focus.
- The product list view has been improved and it is now easier to set focus on images for mobile devices.
- We added a category icon for auto complete list/dropdown.
- The map now groups together products in a better and clearer way than earlier, depending on the zoom level. When zoomed out, the grouped number of products is now displayed in the center of the underlying products, which gives a nicer user experience when the user zooms in.
- Geo-node filters via auto complete now display the correct level from the geo tree in CBIS.
- We have updated the logic on when highlighted products are displayed as "recommended products": This particularly applies to cases where only child products were marked as highlighted, but not the corresponding parent products. Now, if a parent product is not marked as highlighted, it will not appear as highlighted in product lists, even though one or several of its child products may be marked as highlighted. In cases where child products are listed, highlighted child products will be displayed as highlighted, regardless if the corresponding parent product is highlighted or not.
- We now hide the “more information” link of a child product if no additional content is available on the underlying product.
- We fixed a cursor issue on the header of a product page. All links on the header now display have the hand cursors when hovering over them.
Citybreak Booking Engine
- We have removed the prompt to login when the user clicks on the MyPage-Link in the confirmation e-mail. This is done in a GDPR secured way where we use hashed email. This means we now authenticate the user and immediately log them in to the booking.
- We fixed a problem causing URLs to lose the tid-parameter in Citybreak Online. This means that the tracker id is now working as intended again.
- We fixed an issue where sometimes links on the sidebar of dynamic packages didn’t work that should open a lightbox for addons.
- When using reference currency during checkout, we have added the local currency value as a text next to the payment method.
- We added support to send the customer's invoicing e-mail address to iTicket on bookings.
Citybreak Sales Agent
- On Sales Agent, we refactored the selection of dates on activity transport products to support iticket products. This makes it easier to book iTicket activity transport products.
- The display of products in the basket has been improved and a problem has been fixed that occurred if you added the same product in a dynamic package and as a single product in the same basket.
- We added support for accommodation search to handle room bookings without any parent product and added promocode support for this.
- We fixed a supplier message issue when editing an order in a certain scenario for iticket products. Now supplier messages are always sent to iTicket.
- We fixed a problem with time-outs on very large accommodation or cabin searches. We also added better error messages if this for any reason will occur again, for example with an external system timeout or similar)
Citybreak Financials
- Improved performance: We have made the invoice search faster and also changed the maximum number of results from 5 000 to 10 000 invoices. If the user hits the maximum search limit, there is now also an error message with the information to make a smaller search. The "Handle New Invoices" tab has been improved and is now much quicker as well.
- New columns have been added in the customer invoice as well as supplier invoice search: Invoice type (for example "normal" or "commission")
- TelePay bank format: We made an update which removes the need for manual updates due to sequence numbers. Sequence numbers now never “expire” with the bank.
- The credit card search can now handle decimals.
- We added support for all VAT-levels on outgoing payment reports.
- We have made further improvments and adjustments in the integration towards FerryGateway. These improvements are mainly around the technical interface so that all operators can now use the same version.