Citybreak Release Notes 1 Mar 2021
Citybreak Booking Engine
- We have implemented several enhancements from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) that help people with special needs to navigate through the checkout on Citybreak Online. It is now, for example, possible to use tab to move to the next element, actionable elements such as the date-picker can be targeted via the keyboard and all images have alt-text.
- We fixed a display issue in Citybreak Online where the Show/Hide button to load or hide more occasions of a content product was broken. This only applied to products without booking (“content products”)
- In the Citybreak Online checkout flow, we have improved error messages shown to the end-user (for example when he/she forgot to agree to Terms & Conditions).
- In Citybreak, we now store all external complementary fields, some of those fields can be re-used in future bookings via MyPage (for example the WPT-number).
Integrations & Payment Service Providers (PSPs)
- We have made improvements in the gift card integration with SwedbankPay, such as fixing paying with several gift cards or the possibility to use a gift-card-CVC for increased security.
- We have added an internal integration test to ensure that image uploads for products where this is required (for example Ski season passes) won’t break.
- We improved the iTicket and Citybreak logging, for example when you create a product on iTicket and sync it with Citybreak, you can now better track the status of the synchronization.
- We have added a setting that allows users to book multiple BookVisit products in one Citybreak Checkout. If this setting is not activated, BookVisit will create two separate bookings while Citybreak only issues one booking.
Citybreak Sales Agent / Callcenter
- We fixed an issue in Sales Agent where the checkout did not work when more than one package was added to a basket and did minor changes to the user interface.
- We fixed an error in Sales Agent where bookings with payment method “bank transfer” sometimes were not possible to cancel. Now even these bookings can be cancelled, but a manual bank transfer back to the customer in case of a refund is still required.
Booking Documents
- When several products (for example cabins) were grouped, there was an issue with e-mail confirmations where no content from the group product was loaded.
- We have added functionality that can inform an EasyAccess accommodation supplier about the arrival and departure time of their visitors. (for example ferry arrival time.)
Dynamic Packaging
- We fixed an issue in the dynamic package administration where the date range of when a package is visible was ignored. It is now possible to select whether a product should always be visible, not visible at all or visible only within a certain date range.
- An issue in packages that made packages not bookable when external activities shorter than 1 day (for example 1 hour) were given a length of 1 day in the package admin interface, has been fixed.
Citybreak Information System (CBIS)
- We have improved conflict management in CBIS. Now, for example, when incoming supplier content is different than your own, it is possible to select which content to use.